Laser Therapy
Animal Rehabilitation Laser Therapy
Non invasive therapy for pain relief and faster healing. Laser therapy involves driving energy derived from light into the target area stimulating tissues at the cellular level. The metabolism of the cells, are stimulated to accelerate healing time and provide pain relief through the release of endorphins.
LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation. In short, it is a device that generates a beam of light energy at a specific wavelength. The first laser was developed in, and its use in human surgery became widespread in the late 1980’s. The most commonly used veterinary surgical laser is the CO2 laser. The wavelength of the CO2 laser beam is absorbed by the water found in skin and other soft tissue, vaporizing the cells and thereby “cutting” the tissues. The surgeon can control the extent to which the laser beam is absorbed into the surrounding tissue, allowing extreme surgical precision.
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